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Mark and the glory that was the hand from last year
Old robot stuff
Hunter in his natural habitat
Old robot
The old robot
Dante with a hand he built
Scissor lifts, general robot ideas
There is a picture of Mark
Photo Gallery
White board stuff
Mark and the glory that was the hand from last year
Hunter in his natural habitat
Logitec controller
Old robot stuff
Old robot in progress
Erik working
Robot ideas
Old robot
Possible logo
Old robot
Mark, Hunter, Evan
Fake ring peg
The old robot
Dante with a hand he built
Scissor lifts, general robot ideas
How to structure the robot
Not Mark, but ideas for the robot pertaining to the endgame
There is a picture of Mark
He’s right there! On the left!
Mark, Mark, Mark
So many drawing by Mark
The platform is on top
Mark drew a lot of stuff
More stuff Mark drew
Stuff Mark drew
Stuff Mr. Thomas Dobson drew
Stuff that Mark drew
Mark and the whiteboard
Dante drawing
Hand designs
Design for old robot
Stuff, numbers pertaining to what numbers correspond to what buttons on the Logitec controller
So many hands we can use
A different hand we can use
Possible hand
Picture of old robot
Design for new robot
Design for new robot
design for new robot
Chris doing stuff
New robot
Evan working
The field
Motor and servo controllers
Possible logo
Wired stuff
What our possible logo is based on