- Hunter
- Fletcher
Hunter designed a logo for the team that is very good.
Fletcher made it the favicon for this website.
FTC Team 4628
Evan worked on the robot. He adjusted the frame so that the scissor lift might be attached. Mr. Brian Johnson machine for us a few parts, such as a shorter structural piece. He also made it level.
Fletcher discovered that our RobotC licence has expired. We will inform Mr. Thomas Dobson so that we might be able to get a new licence.
Evan attached mounts for the scissor lifts, which had to be machined by Mr. Johnson. The day ended with the mounts attached for the most part. Next, we will attach the actual scissor so our robot can be useful!
Erik messed around with an axle he built out of Legos. It had one wheel that spun at a rate and a second wheel that spun at a lesser rate.
Dante’s mom came in and told us of a way that we can get a lot of money. There is a man in Glendora who invented the pop up sprinkler who might give money to a group like ours. She suggested that we watch his bit on California’s Gold to research what he might want to see in a proposal.
Mrs. Gigi Johnson came in today and she spent the day teaching us how to interview properly. She noted that many of the awards that allow for qualification to higher level tournaments involve interviewing well. She said that a plan is very necessary; each person should know what it is specifically they are talking about. Everyone should tell stories to support their arguments instead of saying, “We’ve got good teamwork,” say “We’ve got good teamwork because we know each other’s strengths and weaknesses” (or something). She also mentioned that we ought to know how to indicate to out other teammates when we’re struggling with a question. We ought to give that person eye contact and do some sort of ball-throwing thing, like, “But the real expert on this is Bob.” To make throwing the ball easier, she said that eye contact on the person currently speaking is essential. It also prevents people from looking into space when they aren’t talking. Mrs. Johnson also made a list of things that we ought to be able to talk about.
Finally, she said that we ought to go into our interviews with a couple stories loaded, and if the interviewers don’t give us an opportunity to tell them, then we should tell them at the end of the interview when they ask if we have anything more to say.
Earlier in the day, Fletcher wrote a working autonomous (working meaning it’s a work in process) that will get in the way of the other team.
Erik and Fletcher mounted the new color sensor on the robot (loaned to us by Hunter’s friend Emory).
Evan removed Erik’s NXT mount because it was in an inconvenient place on the robot.
Fletcher worked on coding the TeleOp program, and Hunter did experiments with the color sensor which we may want to use on the field to follow the lines on the ground.
We talked with Justin about robotics because he is considering joining our team so we talked about what we do in general.