

  • Fletcher
  • Hunter
  • Evan



  • Unbend the scissor lift frame
  • Attach the scissor lift frame
  • Find out why the scissor lift frame bent


Evan unbent the scissor lift frame.  It was fairly straightforward to fix, though it was decided that we would never want it to happen again.

Then we attached the scissor lift frame back on the robot after it was fixed, we definitely never want this to happen again.

1.3.13 Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Get the Computer from Hunter


  • Fletcher



  • Get robot
  • Set up computer to use RobotC
  • Test IR autonomous

What Happened

Fletcher went to Evan’s house and got the robot.  He then went home and installed RobotC on his computer.  He set up a practice field (though it may be low end).

Once all this was done, Fletcher went to the code and made a couple small changes to the IR autonomous, like adding a waitforstart(), and uploaded the program to the robot.  Upon running it on the NXT, it read an error: “IRautonomous2.c Bad State!”

The program failed.  TeleopHR was ran and it worked fine, so Fletcher thought that perhaps it was the fact that he was using a Mac with a Virtual Machine (VM) rather than a PC.  He uploaded a version of TeleopHR that had worked in the past and it read a similar error, except it said TeleopHR.c rather than IRautonomous.c.  This confirms that it was the computer rather than the software that was causing the problem.  He went searching the internet for a solution, but he came upon none.  He went to the RobotC website for help and went on the page explaining how to run RobotC on OS X, and it said that Virtual Box wasn’t supported with their virtual world software, indicating that perhaps they didn’t support Virtual Box too well with RobotC.

12.31.12-Dial F for the Right Function


  • Fletcher
  • Hunter
  • Evan



  • Assemble field
  • Test New Features on Robot
  • Driver Practice
  • Autonomous Testing


New year’s eve, we built the field in Hunter’s garage so that we could test autonomouses and do driver practice. We found that the rack ends are 7.875″ from a perpendicular on the base board [illustrated]


Once Evan came, we turned the robot on and started driving it.  Once it was verified that everything that had worked worked, Fletcher uploaded some new software to account for the new hardware additions, like the servo that makes the hand go up and down, the fork lift peg, and the new hand.

We turned the TeleOp on, and the robot didn’t move an inch.  Based on past experience, we told Evan to check all wiring on the robot.

All wiring on the robot was checked, even to the point that the entire wiring setup was disassembled.  The robot was still not working.  A new mini-TeleOp was written that only used one motor controller, as one the things thought to be the cause of our problem was the series configuration.  Each time we had things running on the mini-TeleOp, it worked.  We were baffled, why wasn’t our TeleOp working?

Hunter went into the code for TeleOpHR.c (our TeleOp) to comb through and see what was causing the problem.

He found the problem.  It was this:

int J2Y2 = joystick.joy2_y2;

This creates a variable J2Ys that holds the current value the joystick is returning, or so we thought. It actually only held the first thing the joystick read when the program is turned on, usually 0.  This is because this function is only called once, since it isn’t a function and rather a variable.  The correct way to do it is this:

int J2Y2() { return joystick.joy2_y2; }

This can be called many times, unlike the problem.

After we solved our problems, we shot footage for our Promote award video.

Claremont 12.15.12


  • Fletcher
  • Mark
  • Hunter
  • Dante
  • Erik
  • Evan



  • Get first place
  • Get the Inspire award
  • Get chosen for the winning alliance


At this competition at the beautiful Webb School in Claremont, California, we had a great time.  We started our day by setting up our poster board which we built the night before.  Many teams were impressed how we had a monitor in our poster board.  After, Hunter, Fletcher, and Evan went and did hardware and software inspection and Mark, Erik, and Dante went and scouted.

The inspections were uneventful; we had to update a couple things, firmware and program chooser namely.  The robot passed.

Scouting went well.  We scouted 7 of the 14 teams at the beginning and 7 of the 14 teams at lunch.

Then came our first match.  It started wonderfully with the flawless blocking autonomous, then came the TeleOp phase where we got 2 rings on the top level for 30 points, which won us the match, 30 – 0.

Our second match came, going similarly to the first.  We won again, 15 – 0, putting us in 1st place.

We then had lunch, and during our lunch we put rubber inserts into the treads on the robot in order to give it more traction.

Our third match came and did not go how we expected.  The autonomous worked, but it struggled turning.  The TeleOp phase also did not go smoothly.  Rings were not gotten from the dispenser quiet so well, rings were not put on the rack easily, rings were dropped.  We did not win this match, so we investigated the problem between matches.  We had too much traction.  The rubber inserts did what they were designed to do, but they did that too well.

After lunch, we removed them and all was well, but our most difficult opponents were yet to come.

We had a match where we and our alliance partner felt that we could get 2 tic-tac-toe bonuses, though we did not, and we ended the match losing badly.

We had another lost match, and ended the tournament in 14th.