2.7.13-So Much Work and so Little Time


  • Mark
  • Hunter
  • Fletcher
  • Evan
  • Dante
  • Erik
  • Chris



  • Get footage for a hand explainer video
  • Finish notebook
  • Finish Display
  • Driver Practice


Today is our last day of meeting before the San Diego qualifier on Saturday.  But, just because it is the last meeting, doesn’t mean we don’t still have a ton to do.

First of all we had to finish up the notebook today.  This involved putting all of the finishing touches on all of the pages we have and also making sure our most recent meeting and competition are accounted for.  We have to get it done no matter what today so we can print it all out, all 150 pages of it.

Aside from that, we finished taking the last video today to put on our display we will have up on Saturday at the competition.  The display will be similar to the one from the qualifier we hosted last Saturday.  It will have an interactive screen that allows the viewer to choose and watch different videos.  This video will be about the hand, or bucket, that we have on our robot.

We also had to finish the physical display we will have behind the video display.  This has all of our biographies on it along with pictures of us as well as a little information about us and our robot.  With the display we will also have one-pagers that we will hand out to all the teams so they can know about our robot for outreach reasons and possible alliance selection if we don’t make it into the top four.

Lastly, we did a lot of driver practice.  The drivers, Hunter and Evan, both are still not perfect in their driving skills as was evident at the last competition.  Even on the match when we got 235 points, we had the potential to get many more because we wasted too much time on aligning the robot and trying to get a handle on all of the controls.  The driver practice we have done today has improved our drivers a lot and we feel very confident overall about the whole competition on Saturday!



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