Monrovia (We Hosted) 2.2.13


  • Fletcher
  • Dante
  • Erik
  • Evan
  • Hunter
  • Chris
  • Mark



  • Help teams that need it
  • Have a display for the robot
  • Have a generally impressive competition


Everyone got to the competition bright and early in the morning to finish setting things up and to make our display.

Hunter and Fletcher started the day off by going to the robotics room and printing stuff out for the poster board.  It had pictures and descriptions of the robot, pictures and biographies for the members of the team, our team insignia, and the logos of our sponsors.  Along with Mr. Porter, Hunter set up the monitor for our display.  Previously, it was completely  non-interactive.  This time, we had buttons powered with a Makey-Makey.  This made it so that a user could indicate what video he wanted to watch.  He could also say that he wanted to pause or play or reset the video.

Teams began showing up at about 7:30, causing inspections to commence.  It was Fletcher’s job to make sure that all teams were doing well with their inspections.  The Flee Bits struggled with getting though software inspection, so he showed them how to configure their NXT to pass.  After that, they passed inspection.  Another team had been denied field inspection, so Fletcher directed them to where field inspection was taking place (they had asked for it in the wrong place) and told them to ask the people there.  One team forgot a piece of plywood that made their ramp work, so he gave them some cardboard to replace it for the time being.

Erik, Dante, and Chris were in charge of the drivers/coaches entrance to the competition area.  They made sure that only the correct people went through that entrance.

Mark was a Queuer, and he made sure the queue line ran quickly and smoothly by getting each of the tams in their correct spots and giving each of them a red or blue flag.  He did this for most of the day and was extremely helpful and efficient.

Evan was a hardware inspector, and he inspected hardware.  After the inspections were over, Evan was around to help anyone with any task they needed which was very helpful.

Hunter was Mr. Bugert’s assistant, and he helped him with various remedial tasks such as running cables connecting displays and replacing parts, this continued until the actual competition began, when this happened there was not much need for Hunter so he helped do other various jobs whether it be film, or helping teams with their various problems.

At lunch, we showed off our robots to some children by letting them drive our robot.


Final alliance selection came and went and the finals happened.  The Flea Bits (whose first competition ever happened to be this one) ended up being the winning alliance captain and team Rebelution won the Inspire award.  Congratulations to them.

Setting up for the Regional Qualifier


  • Fletcher
  • Erik
  • Hunter
  • Evan
  • Chirs
  • Mark
  • Dante



  • Make poster board
  • Set up competition
  • Make plan for reaching out to other teams


Fletcher was the first to arrive and and had a conversation with Mr. Dobson about the rest of the season.  He said that there was one team that went to one of the competitions that we went to (the Rock N’ Roll Robots at the Webb school competition) that only got a small award, but they also went to a competition in San Diego (where the remainder of our regional qualifiers are held) and got the Inspire award.  Mr. Dobson suggested that perhaps we could also do well.  He also said that, because we have done a lot of outreach recently, we might have a problem getting out to the judges what all we’ve done.

Fletcher earlier had taken pictures of the robot on a black background, so he had printed them out at home.  Mr. Dobson allowed Fletcher to use his paper cutter to prepare the photos for the poster board.

Evan and Hunter came later and were assigned to moving parts of both ours and the Rock N’ Roll Robots’ field.  Fletcher was put in charge of disassembling our field.  It was difficult to disassemble the border of the field because none of the people disassembling it had ever taken apart the border.

Fletcher, Hunter, and Mark worked on assembling the field in the old gym where the pit is. They also put together the tiles for the field and taped them.  Hunter found that if you rub the area where two tiles meet that has tape, then it is easy to cut the tape so you don’t have to retape the tiles the next time you assemble the field.

We then had dinner, courtesy of Mr. Dobson.

After dinner, early check-in teams began arriving.  The Flea Bits team from Pasadena High came and so did a team from San Diego.  The Flea Bits found they needed a part for their robot that they didn’t have, so all three Monrovia teams gave them that part, so they gave us an honorable mention in their engineering notebook.

Hunter and Fletcher laid out cable for Mr. Bugert so that the pits would have an audio and a visual feed from the competition area.  The audio cable was difficult because it got very tangled.

The day ended and everyone went home with enough time to get 6 hours of sleep before the next day’s competition.

1.30.13-Preparations for Saturday’s Competition


  • Mark
  • Dante
  • Erik
  • Chris
  • Hunter
  • Evan
  • Fletcher



  • Continue with drawings
  • Test robot
  • Update Notebook


Today was a decent work day.  We continued to work on the drawings of the robot in its current state.  We also tested the autonomous which worked and also did some TeleOp testing to give the drivers practice and to address any problems with the hardware.  Other than that, we worked on the notebook and just basically kept up our usual operations.  We are also getting ready for the robotics FTC LA qualifier we are hosting on Saturday.  We are all staying after school until late tomorrow to help with the setup too.

1.29.13-On the Road to St. Louis


  • Mark
  • Dante
  • Erik
  • Chris
  • Hunter
  • Evan
  • Fletcher



  • Plan what we want to accomplish for San Diego
  • Autonomous testing and calibrating
  • Make videos that display the different features of our team
  • Make lots of drawings of the current robot
  • Add a page to the notbook called robot design
  • Assist the Kings and Queens becaus they have no computer


The reason for the big gap between meetings is the fact that we did not meet during finals week so everyone could study and we didn’t meet the week after because we had the majority of that week off due to Martin Luther King day and furlough days.

We spent the first part of our meeting doing a considerable amount of planning for the San Diego championships.  Our main goals are to maintain the robot in its current state because we want to work on perfecting everything else, adding to the engineering book all of the drawings that we have done but never put in the notebook, perfecting the IR autonomous so it works every time, getting in as much driving practice as possible so we don’t have to waste time getting centered, etc. during the matches, improving our poster board and designing as well as implementing the projected display we plan to have that will be touch sensitive on whatever surface it projects on, and do our best to maintain the level of work habit and focus we have had throughout the year.

Evan added an additional two rollers to each side of the robot in the treads between the middle roller and the two outside rollers.  We did this in order to spread out the weight of the robot more so turning is faster and more efficient.

Hunter has been working on making videos and pictures that we will put in our projected display including nice pictures of each member individually.  We plan to organize the display on Thursday.

The Kings and Queens for some reason do not have a computer to program or run their robot so we have lent them one of our old computers to use for the rest of the year on the grounds that they return it, and also because we will always jump at chances to be gracious and professional.

Erik, Dante, and Chris have been working on making final drawings of the latest elements of the robot including the gears of the scissor lift, the scissor lift itself, the treads, the forklift, the hand, and the mechanism to move the hand up and down.  We are also planning to put all of these drawings together along with a compilation of all of the drawings from previous elements of the robot to show the evolution of all of the major parts of the robot.