9.20.12-A Computer and a Team


  • Fletcher
  • Erik
  • Dante
  • Chris
  • Mark
  • Evan
  • Hunter
  • Ares


  • Give Mr. Dobson our name
  • Publish social media for connecting to he community
  • Maintain robot


NEW COMPUTER!! Thank you Mr. Brian Johnson. Our official name is the Suit Bots for this competitive season.  We chose this name because last year we wore suits at all of the competitions because we first wore them for the costume contest we had at the scrimmage we hosted last year so we have kept the idea of the suits and now changed our name to fit it.  We published our Facebook & Google Plus and continued to work on the base & arm structure of the robot because we need to make some significant progress.

9.13.12-Hands, Hands, Hands, and a Robot


  • Fletcher
  • Erik
  • Dante
  • Chris
  • Mark
  • Ares



  • Learn how to use buttons on the Logitec controllers
  • Convert hand prototypes to practical models
  • Maintain robot


We installed Google Drive on the computer to promote publicity for the team.  We researched how to use the various buttons on our Logitech controllers within the programming so we can use the different buttons in the best, most efficient ways.  We also took apart the old hand and made a complete new one fit for testing because the old one was fit to pick up  racquet balls and crates from last year so we had to make a new one that may be able to pick up rings so it will be useful for this year.  We mounted motor & servo controllers on the robot and organized the body of the robot so there would be room for the accessories we want to put on the robot.

The robot:

9.11.12-Ring it Up


  • Fletcher
  • Dante
  • Chris
  • Hunter
  • Evan
  • Mark
  • Ares



  • Design bits for the robot
  • Discuss End Game
  • Discuss the season


We met with our adviser Mr. Corey Porter to decide on how the season will go. We assigned different members of the team to different awards, like this:

  • Think Award – Hunter
  • Connect Award – Fletcher
  • Rockwell Collins Innovate Award – Evan
  • PTC Design Award – Chris
  • Motivate Award – Mark
  • Inspire Award – Everyone

By getting these awards, we intend on being the best team, not just on the field, but also the best team at getting awards.

We started new arm design, new chassis, and discovered that the old TeleOp works. We had an interesting discussion on how we intend to lift the other robot in the endgame.  We began to discuss the design of the robot and we want to try to get the rings as well as attempt to lift another robot.  We got a new green bin of parts.

9.8.12-FTC Robotics Kickoff


  • Fletcher
  • Erik
  • Dante
  • Chris
  • Hunter
  • Evan
  • Mark
  • Ares



  • Have the kick-off
  • Take apart the robot
  • Get ready for the new season


We hosted the kickoff event today in which we invited many other schools to come and to show them the kickoff video to introduce the new field and set of rules.  Our parents and mentors set up the new robotics field right outside the room where we showed the video, and all of the teams that came were given a set of rules and served pizza while they, including us, got some time to plan the designs of the robot for the season.

We brainstormed major ideas for the beginning of our upcoming season as a robotics team.  We began taking apart the previously robot, updated RobotC and got new firmware on the NXT.  Because we updated RobotC, the program didn’t know that we used Tetrix parts (we were ignorant of this), so upon compiling the old code from last year, we got a mess of errors.  Farr, from team 4153 Dark Matter pointed out to us that we have to set RobotC for “NXT + Tetrix/Matrix” before we compile our code.  Once we did this, all was well. Hunter and Fletcher decided that we need a new computer and discussed how we might get the money for one.  After everyone left, our workstation was a mess, therefore we must clean up better before we leave.