

    • Mark
    • Evan
    • Hunter
    • Chris
    • Erik
    • Fletcher
    • Dante



  • Modify the hand
  • Test the scissor lift
  • Adjust the main frame of the robot to suit our needs


We brought the robot back and it was improved.  The frame was changed a little although just in its length one way.  We attempted to improve the hand by putting a light rubber band in between it to pull the sides together and grip the ring but it wasn’t able to move away from the middle, so we discarded the idea.  We also tried to test the scissor lift but it completely failed.  The motors were pulling too far to the sides and the motors themselves were not powerful enough to make the scissor lift go up so the motors started smoking and smelling and we stopped it immediately.  We realized many changes were needed to apply to the scissor lift.

11.11.12-Helping out and Making a Hand


  • Evan
  • Fletcher



  • Work on the claw
  • Help the other team


Today was a Saturday build day at Evan’s house. We decided that all of the robot’s software files would be stored on Google drive so that one computer won’t have a more recent TeleOp or Autonomous than the rest of the computers.

Evan attached the claw on the robot. He also worked on machining a pulley mechanism so as to make it so our hand can move left and right.

Fletcher helped Amanda from The Kings and Queens (Team 4153) write an autonomous and a TeleOp. He for the most part wrote their TeleOp so as to demonstrate using the RobotC language. He then handed the computer to Amanda and guided her through writing an autonomous. This enabled her to finish her autonomous. They claimed that our team was both gracious and professional for doing this.

11.8.12-More Torque!


  • Hunter
  • Fletcher
  • Mark
  • Dante
  • Chris
  • Erik



  • Bring the robot back to school
  • Program for a new TeleOp to fit the motors
  • Build or plan for a scoop
  • Improve torque on scissor lift


Evan has been ill this week, and the robot has been at his house since last Thursday (hence no meeting Tuesday), so Mark had to go to his house before school and grab the robot and the parts.

During the meeting, Hunter made a new TeleOp, TeleOpHR that used all of the current motors we have on the robot, such as the Scissor motors, the hand motors, the hand servo, the drive motors, and the scoop motor.

Mark built a scoop to move rings from the floor to the base plate on the field.

Erik worked on giving the Scissor more torque

Fletcher attached the power switch

11.1.12-Some Little Adjustments


    • Mark
    • Evan
    • Hunter
    • Chris
    • Dante
    • Erik
    • Fletcher



  • Work on programming
  • Attach Develop ideas for hands
  • Adjust frame


We attached some of the motor boxes in an efficient way so all of the ports were open to all of the robot, all though we were still a little unsure of the placement.  Erik and Chris and Dante helped with that.  Mark experimented with some ideas for the hand using servos as well as NXT motors for the hand to place the rings on the pegs.  We came up with an autonomous, or at least a basic one that could have served to at least move the robot around.  Hunter and Fletcher worked on the teleOP a little to code just for servos and NXT motors.  Evan made small adjustments just to the frame for convenience.