11.15.12-Some Programming


    • Mark
    • Evan
    • Hunter
    • Chris
    • Dante
    • Erik
    • Fletcher



  • Plan for how to use the sensors
  • Program a lot for the autonomous
  • Pack the robot to bring it home


We brought the robot back to the school and worked a lot on programming because we needed to improve our autonomous and TeleOp.  We made some concept drawings for possible placement of sensors on the robot like IR, color, and weight sensors.  This was our last meeting before Thanksgiving break and we took the robot home again to make some adjustments to the lift.



    • Mark
    • Evan
    • Hunter
    • Chris
    • Erik
    • Fletcher
    • Dante



  • Modify the hand
  • Test the scissor lift
  • Adjust the main frame of the robot to suit our needs


We brought the robot back and it was improved.  The frame was changed a little although just in its length one way.  We attempted to improve the hand by putting a light rubber band in between it to pull the sides together and grip the ring but it wasn’t able to move away from the middle, so we discarded the idea.  We also tried to test the scissor lift but it completely failed.  The motors were pulling too far to the sides and the motors themselves were not powerful enough to make the scissor lift go up so the motors started smoking and smelling and we stopped it immediately.  We realized many changes were needed to apply to the scissor lift.

11.1.12-Some Little Adjustments


    • Mark
    • Evan
    • Hunter
    • Chris
    • Dante
    • Erik
    • Fletcher



  • Work on programming
  • Attach Develop ideas for hands
  • Adjust frame


We attached some of the motor boxes in an efficient way so all of the ports were open to all of the robot, all though we were still a little unsure of the placement.  Erik and Chris and Dante helped with that.  Mark experimented with some ideas for the hand using servos as well as NXT motors for the hand to place the rings on the pegs.  We came up with an autonomous, or at least a basic one that could have served to at least move the robot around.  Hunter and Fletcher worked on the teleOP a little to code just for servos and NXT motors.  Evan made small adjustments just to the frame for convenience.

10.21.12-The Scissor Lift is Born


  • Hunter
  • Mark
  • Evan



  • Build Scissor
  • Wait for computer to be fixed


Today was a build day for the machining of our scissor lift.  Mr. Brian Johnson helped us, accomplish that.  He had to do all of the metal cutting because it is dangerous, but we helped sand some of the pieces and actually began to piece together the scissor lift.Each side of scissor lift consists of 3 Xs reaching a considerable height when extended. We had to go out to get some bits and pieces we needed and we had to hand sand many of the parts on the inside of holes and at weird corners and edges.  We all wore safety glasses to protect our lungs.  The scissor should be completed by 10.25.12 …Still waiting for our poor computer to get fixed.

10.2.12-A Broken Chain AND the NXT


  • Erik
  • Dante
  • Mark
  • Evan
  • Hunter



  • Diagnose problems with NXT
  • Fix motor “glitchy-ness”


The NXT was playing a quite annoying audible tone when we would try to initialize the tele-op program.  It also was displaying a weird message.  Solution: re-write everything. Improved the “glitchy-ness” of the motors used to raise the telescoping mast of the robot.  An issue with the way that the RobotC Complier and its C programming nature deals with sequences.  The chain is hard to put back together with the chain breaker.